Become An Embodied Entrepreneur Today

Your pathway to increased income doesn't require complicated marketing funnels, icky sales strategies, or working yourself into burnout. In fact, it requires nothing outside of you.

My Introduction

Hi, I’m Sheridan.

I’m a Nervous System Specialist with more than 350 happy clients under my belt, thousands of hours coaching real humans – like you – worldwide, and my own personal experience building a business in the middle of one of the biggest tragedies of my life. 


In a sea of information and ‘expert advice’, the Body Based Business way is the only approach that has worked for me, and my clients. 

It’s not a quick fix. I’m no Guru and I won’t be giving you a pre-made checklist you’ll need to tick off. 

I’ll teach you how to access your own Body Based Blueprint to success, increased income and ease. 
Free Training

Make This Month The Start Of Simple, Sustainable, Strategic $5k Months.

Learn How In Embodied Entrepreneur – The Free Nervous System Training.

Learn from past clients


[working with Sheridan] I learned practical tools to embody what I actually want in my business and life- financial success, ease, flow, confidence and much more.

I have not found anyone who teaches the way Sheridan does. These are essential foundations for success in business and life which are NOT taught in any business program I have taken, and I have taken a LOT. The way she holds space and teach me how to connect with the parts of my nervous system which are uncomfortable. I also LOVE the way she offers a different perspective.



[since working with Sheridan] I now approach challenges with a newfound trust in my abilities and a heightened sense of confidence. I’ve become more adept at managing my emotions and handling unexpected events. I’ve gained clarity on the steps I need to take to progress in both my personal and professional life. This newfound clarity has brought about a sense of hope and excitement for the future. I feel a deep sense of belief and joy, coupled with a grounded strategy to guide me forward. Overall, I’m filled with optimism and a profound sense of abundance.

image of faye looking at camera


Support tailor-made for you. Feel into your body, what are you being called to?

Body Based Basics

In 90 minutes become a 100% more confident, creative, regulated, and relaxed business owner. Access the Embodied Entrepreneur Training.

Body-Based Business Mastery

Advanced support for integrating nervous system regulation, trauma healing, and strategic business systems, ensuring simple and strategic $5k months.

Embodied, Easeful and Abundant Sales

Increase your income by $1000 this month with a 4-step Somantic Sales Strategy, helping with your emotional, mental, and physical needs.

Listen To Embodied Entrepreneur - The Podcast

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